An introduction to Tarot cards which is a form of divination that can act as a map to the soul; which means working with your higher self and connecting with the Divine. We will closely examine the 78 cards as a psychological guide to self empowerment and a tool to creatively predict outcome and gain insight
This fundamental overview will be a step by step process for understanding the tarot's symbolic meaning and it's purposes. You will have the benefit of a support group in your learning process and have hands on practice from experienced teachers.
This 5 week class will cover:
. Major Arcana
. Minor Arcana
. Spiritual corespondents of the cards
. How to conduct a reading for yourself and others
. Creative exercises that will better attune you to the cards
The cost of this 5 week class is $125
With a $50 preregistration
Thursday nights from 6:30pm to 8pm
The first class starts September 30th
Space is limited to 10 attendees.