In Astrology, your Natal (or birth) chart details the positions of the planets in the zodiac at the time of your birth, and is said to be a 'blueprint of your psyche". Each planet represents elements of your energetic makeup and is unique for every person. Being aware of these energies in your chart can enable you to use them in the highest way and to work toward your life's purpose!
We will review your "Big 3" in this chart overview (Sun, Moon, and Ascendant signs and energies); you will be given a copy of your chart to take home.
This is a personalized reading requiring advance registration. I will prepare your chart overview in advance and provide you with an appointment time during the 2pm - 5pm range.
Please provide your email address, date of birth, location (state/city) and exact birth time to the best or your knowledge (the more exact, the more accurate the chart will be!). Registration and information is needed by January 18th to secure your reading appointment. Space is limited to 8 appointments.
The cost is $50 for the chart and 20 minute discussion; prepayment is required. As a New Year special, the cost also includes a pass for one of my Friday night bi-weekly yoga classes!
Hope to see you then!
Readings by Joleen - Certified Alchemical Astrologer and Registered 200 Hour Yoga Teacher